“We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve”: Why We Shouldn’t



This past week I finally watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower, after weeks of my friends telling me that I had to see it. After watching the movie, I understood why I, and really everyone, should see this movie. I think almost any person could find at least one theme that they were also currently dealing with, and it would resonate with them.

My favorite part of the movie is when Sam asks Charlie “Why do I and everyone I love pick people who treat us like we’re nothing?” Charlie’s response: “We accept the love we think we deserve.” -A message that his favorite teacher told him earlier in the story. I was watching the movie on my laptop by myself, and I wish I could have taped my reaction. Do you ever hear something in a movie or on TV, and just get overwhelmed? “Holy shit,” was all that I can remember saying- out loud, by myself, probably tearing up.  

But really, how true is that statement? My blog seeks to help me, and my readers, reflect on our lives through reading and pondering. This is why I think this quote (and let’s be honest, movie) belongs here.

How many times have you had a crush on someone who treated you like nothing? You could jump through hoops, and (s)he wouldn’t even acknowledge your existence. But you kept doing it, and it wore you down. I think we have all been there. But what this made me think of the most was our choice of friends.

I’ve made poor choices, in the past and maybe even the present, when choosing my friends. I am guessing that I’m not the only one that has done so. I have had friends that have used me for something to do when one of their “better” friends was busy. Or the people who make plans and then throw you to the curb once their find out that one of their other friends wants to hang out. God do I hate that, and I think that it is a part of humanity that will not go away until you cut those people out of your life. I’m sure I have done it to people, but I really try not to. No “friend” deserves that.

I have tried to fit in with people who didn’t appreciate me because I thought they were cooler than those people that really loved me. But thankfully, I have found a group of people who loves me, and I love them right back. In my opinion, I’m pretty awesome and my friends are pretty awesome. That’s why we’re friends. A lot of people don’t get that luxury that I have, and they are stuck with a group of people that doesn’t really care. I’ve still got some Spring Cleaning to do, but finding the right people takes time. Making new friends at a huge, new, university can be difficult, but if you’re loveable, good friends will find you and you will find them. That applies for any setting.

So if you’re ever questioning your friendship with someone, ask yourself this: “Do I “like” this person because they really like me back, or am I settling for someone who doesn’t really care about me?” You might be surprised with what you come up with.

 I can tell you that after watching this movie, I am going to be much more conscientious about who is in my life. I hope this will bring you reflection and some satisfaction, or the impetus for change in your life. You only live once, so why not surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally and will always be there for you? I’ll give you a little advice, I’m getting there, and it feels good.

So what do we deserve in life, if it isn’t crappy friends? We deserve to be loved, to be cared for, and most importantly, to lead a happy life. And we deserve people that will get us there and enjoy it right alongside of us.

Thanks for stopping by. And if you haven’t done so already, watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower as soon as you can. I promise you will love it.