I am the one that got awkwardly hugged and told I was loved by someone that I just met… How our friendship has developed over time never ceases to amaze me. And yes, I am the butt-shaker in the picture. No regrets

Buddy the Bunny

Today Angels On Call (my a cappella group) performed in the waiting room of the University of Michigan Hospital. We made patients, friends, families and doctors cry, smile, laugh and generally, have fun. After the performance, one elderly woman came up to me and asked, “Your group’s performance and energy today is one of the best I have ever seen… and I come here every Thursday! What makes you different?”

At that moment the only response I could think of was to smile and say Thank You and say that we just love performing; however, as I thought about it throughout the day, I realized it goes much, much deeper than that…

It still amazes me that something that got started on a whim became this successful and such a big part of my life. Freshman year, a group of my friends and I were hanging out in the dorms just talking, when we all…

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